The world's longest urban trampoline is set to be installed in central London

The world's longest urban trampoline is set to be installed in central London next year.
Pictures of how the trampoline could look next to the London Eye have been released by project co-ordinators Architecture for Humanity.
The charity claims the innovative street furniture could provide a "novel solution to the boredom of the morning commute" as well as "a new way to keep fit"

Charity trustee Beth Worth told the Standard: "The idea was intended as something a bit innovative and fun for London. Transport for London wanted to show that London can have that fun factor, giving people a hop, skip and a jump from A to B."
The project is being part funded by a crowdfunding campaign, as well as Transport for London (TfL).
It will be launched as part of the transport authority's £1.8million Future Streets Incubator initiative.
A TfL spokesman said: "The Bounceway will be the world's longest urban trampoline.
"This iconic and inclusive new public space in the heart of London will boost fitness and fun, and provide a novel form of transport where the journey is the main event.
"The trial will be part-funded by a crowdfunding campaign set to launch in late 2014."
Other developments being planned for the capital in 2015 include the renovation of a blighted underpass using interactive lighting, as well as new graphic designs for pedestrian crossings in Southwark Street, Bankside.
